
We channel your messages into powerful brochures, crisp web copy, emotionally charged video scripts, traction-grabbing social media updates, features and blogs that drive traffic to your business.

Video Production

HWM specialises in crafting top-class video content with high production values to help brands leave a lasting impression on the audience.

Media Training

We give you the confidence, preparation and messaging needed for great TV, radio, print and online interviews  - time after time.

Why HWM?

There are many reasons clients keep coming back time and again. Here are just a few:


We’ve been in the market for 10 years. We’ve worked with some of the biggest regional and international brands.

International Credibility

HWM has facilitated countless crews and productions for international broadcasters, boosting projects by supplying local skills and knowledge.


In our media training, we’re offering you the same insight and skills that we use day in and day out to create content and films for our clients.

Content 100%
Video Production 100%
Media Training 100%
So what makes our relationship with clients work?

Perhaps it’s our experience in dealing with the biggest regional and international brands. Or maybe it’s because we believe in straight talk, instant communication, and diligent research. We’re known for our streamlined planning and organisation, so our clients aren’t blindsided by time and budget overruns.

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